- Where are his keys? They're on the dresser. 他的钥匙在哪? 它们在梳妆台上。
- Although he may be pretty but where are his lands? 虽然他很漂亮,可他的土地在那里?
- Discovering the causes of human belief was his key principle. 关键原则就是发现引起人们信念的原因。
- There was his body, moving onward, and with an unaccustomed force. But where was his mind? 只见他的躯体正在以一种不同寻常的力量向前移动,但他的心灵何在呢?
- Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? 他的玩弄刀笔的手段,颠倒黑白的雄辩,现在都到哪儿去了?
- I asked the boy where was his master under the pine tree, the boy answered that his master had been for medicine in the hill! 松下问童子,言师采药去!
- XUE Dao-heng was a famous litterateur and politician of Beiqi, Beizhou and Sui Dynasty.The thought of great unification was his key thought. 摘要薛道衡是北齐、北周和隋朝著名的文学家和政治家,他的思想核心是“大一统”。
- Where are his miracles, which our fathers have told us of, saying: The Lord brought us Out of Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the bands of Madian. 我祖先给我们所讲过的那一切奇事,如今在那里?他们曾向我们说过:看,是上主领我们出离埃及,但是现在上主抛弃了我们,将我们交在米德杨人的掌握中。
- Muggins here locked his keys in the car! 这笨蛋把自己的钥匙锁在汽车里了!
- He turned on the torch to look for his keys. 他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。
- Where are the dog's collar and lead? 狗的颈圈和皮带哪去了?
- "Tom, where are you?" she cried. "汤姆,你在哪里?"她大声喊道。
- He feels that they are his equals. 他觉得他们和他地位相等。
- Your scatty son has forgotten his key again. 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
- What are his sentiments on this issue? 他对这个问题持什么观点?
- He dived into his pocket for his key. 他把手伸进衣袋里找钥匙。
- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
- He concealed his key under the doormat. 他将钥匙藏在门前擦鞋垫下。
- The drunken man fumbled with his key. 醉汉笨手笨脚地用钥匙开锁。
- Foreign affairs are his strong point. 外交事务是他的特长。